Generation Female er en non-profit forening, der er oprettet for at styrke og støtte kvindelige ledere i deres personlige og professionelle egenskaber gennem flagskibsbegivenheder og konferencer såsom Generation Female Global Summit , samt uddannelsesindhold og etablering af et globalt medlemsnetværk.
2020 var et vendepunkt for alt for mange af os. For grundlæggeren Anna Shpak gjorde 2020's "nye normal" det stadig sværere at ignorere de uforholdsmæssigt store udfordringer, som kvinder står over for på arbejdspladsen og i deres hjem, og var en klar påmindelse om, at der skulle gøres mere.
Etableret i juli 2020 i Milano, Italien, blev Generation Female etableret for at styrke og støtte kvindelige ledere i deres personlige og professionelle egenskaber gennem flagskibsbegivenheder og konferencer såsom Generation Female Global Summit, samt uddannelsesindhold og etablering af et globalt fællesskab.
Gennem vores projekter og platforme stræber Generation Female efter at skabe opmærksomhed om den kønsbyrde, som kvinder bærer, fremme kønsinklusivitet og ligestilling samt bekæmpe kønsbaseret diskrimination i civilsamfundet og på tværs af forskellige professioner.
Vores værdier understøtter og styrer vores forenings arbejde og handlinger:
Service og fællesskab
Service til vores samfund er kernen i vores indsats. Vi er drevet af vores mission om at tjene og støtte nuværende og fremtidige kvindelige ledere, og vi sikrer, at vores ressourcer og aktiver bruges til at opnå en positiv social indvirkning og gavne vores samfund.
Betroet forvaltning
Vi anerkender, at tilliden til os som en almennyttig forening er noget, vi ikke kan tage for givet eller gå på kompromis med. I alt, hvad vi gør, handler vi med integritet, gennemsigtighed, ansvarlighed og stærk ledelse.
Inklusivitet og mangfoldighed
Som en forening drevet af en mission om at forbedre ligestilling mellem kønnene, er rummelighed og mangfoldighed værdier af fundamental betydning for os i foreningen og i alle vores aktiviteter, og vi stræber efter at "walk the talk" efter bedste evne.
Generation Kvinde - Lederskab
Generation Kvinde - Global Alumni
Mayor's Delegate for Equal Gender Opportunities, Commune di Milano
Brand Visual Director of Vogue Italia and Director of the Photo Vogue Festival
Fashion, Events and special Projects Director Vanity Fair Italia
Vice President Structuring & Solutions, Gold Grain Capital
Head of Editorial Content, Vogue Italia
Executive Chairperson, Biocon & Biocon Biologics
Managing Director, UPS Italy
Gender Equality & Social Sustainability, United Nations Global Compact
Founder, Savvy Sapiens
Vice President of Global Marketing and Market Access, LimaCorporate
Chief Operating Officer , Officina Stellare
Artist – Multi Media
Head of the Office of the National Investment Council
Managing Director, AIK Energy GmbH
Vice President of Innovation ITN&Data job lines, Orange SA
Executive Director, European Business Association
Generation Kvinde - Bidragydere
Tiziana is an Italian qualified lawyer with extensive experience in commercial and corporate law focused on private equity. Tiziana joined Quest Partners, as Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs of Milan desk, in October 2018. Tiziana was admitted to the Bar Association of Milan in 2012. She holds a Master’s Degree in Law from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Milan.
Jennifer Muthoki Mutua is a proactive, vibrant and efficient Project and Strategic Management MBA Student, who has served at World Student Christian Federation- Africa for over 5 years in Project and Strategic Management capacities. Her mission is to contribute to humanity through her writing.
During her Master’s Degree in Quantitative Finance,Alina started working in an Italian investment bank. Two years later she flew to London to achieve a qualification in Technical Analysis. After her time as a Teaching Assistant of a “Master” in Technical Analysis for Financial Markets and working for another Italian bank, she moved to London where she works in a Financial Investments Boutique as an Associate - Structured Products.
Angèle has been involved in the field of international criminal law for over 4 years. She graduated from an LLM at Leiden University in 2018 and began her journey as a legal professional at the International Criminal Court. After spending last year working as a self-employed legal consultant, she is at a crossing path of her career and is looking for her next calling.
As a Global Brand Manager with strong interpersonal communication skills, Caterina enjoys bridging the gap between surgeons and engineers to develop innovative endoprosthesis, supports ad-hoc training and defines targeting guidelines to market products internationally by never losing focus on patients’ needs. She loves travelling, meeting new people and being exposed to different cultures, but being able to help and empower others is what really keeps her going.
Volunteer, Generation Female Majored in International Relations After graduating, Karina took a part in a short time project and worked as a volunteer in one of NGO’s. Working in NGO made her realised where she would like to develop professionally, to gain professional experience and use it for a good cause. The mission of Generation Female perfectly aligns with Karina's vision for the future.